Friday, May 22, 2009

My New Skinny Jeans

You know that comfortable pair of jeans or sweats (I'm not What not to Wear I don't judge). I'm certain you know the pair I'm talking about. The pair you pull out when you are bloated or having a fat day or week, or year ( Or two years you know however long). Well that pair the ones in my closet labeled my fat pants. What do you do when your fat pants don't button anymore. Do you pull out the rubber band and deny knowledge of any existence of fat pants. Oh come on you know the rubber band trick don't you? (If you don't then tough... j/k.) Well when your fat pants become your skinny pants you may be like me.

I am not sure how it happened. Other than the fact that every bit of chocolate that comes into my house is gone with in a week, and well there may have been some pizza, and french fries, and well an unending list of foods that have somehow contributed to my newly coined skinny jeans. Because calling them fats pants now that they fit so snugly just means something that I can not think about right now. Much like Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler. "I will not think of it now." (I just read Gone with the Wind great book. ) I will not think that if my fat pants are now my skinny jeans then I have ..... yeah not thinking about it.

But in my attempts of not thinking about it I recall, that after my little girl was born I dropped 25 of the 65 pounds I gained. I then carried around the remaining 40lbs for over a year before I lost another 20lbs through second hand Weight Watchers (this is when someone you know does weight watchers and you just use hand me down knowledge to do it too). Now my little princess is two and I have put on 35 pounds and am only short 15 so pounds short of full term pregnancy. Yeah let's not think about that. I try very poorly to occasionally exercise. But some how my once a week workout isn't working. LOL I just don't get it. Yeah! I know I have a lot of work to do. I'm going to have to rededicate myself to healthy living.

As I was walking to the park with my hubby and little girl, I decided that instead of admitting my own laziness, I will break out the maturnity clothes and use pregnancy as the reason for my weight gain. It would be a lie but hey I have been asked recently by some if I'm pregnant and by others when I plan on having more kids. (Don't you just love it.) I do want more kids but a baby can "weight" a person like me.... So is weight a reason for a baby to wait? What do you think? If your skinny pants, used to be your fat pants should you go for the matunity clothes for reals not the lie?

2 Awesome Reactions:

Amber Lynae said...
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Anonymous said...

I have had my fat pants become my new skinny pants and I hate it. However, you can let weight gain and rude comments talk you into wearing maternity clothes. You need to go out and find a few really nice outfits that fit you now and start feeling good about yourself as you are. Love yourself and care for yourself, then you will want to exercise and eat healthy. I am still working on the whole self-love thing. It takes time.