I think I have previously mentioned my relationship with deadlines. So it won't surprise you that I am posting my reviews for the remaining two books on my Summer Reading Program list on the last day of the assigned days. I signed up saying I would read three books.
I finished Wings by Aprilynne Pike last week. I enjoyed reading this book. The pace is easy, in the beginning a little slow for me. But as Laurel the main characters life begins changing the pace picks right up with it and carried me away in a tale that had me hooked. It was an in your face love story even though there were romantic connections there. I am interested in how these relationships will play out in the sequels. I really loved the characters, and I am impatiently waiting to read what will happen next in their lives.
Noticing that the deadline for reading and reviewing was quickly approaching I started My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison on Thursday and even with a busy weekend and a slow reading pace I finished it today. I was laughing and hooked from the first page. And now have to say I don't think I ever want a fairy godmother to help me out in my life even if the end result is fantastic. You will laugh out loud, and cry a little. I am going to be telling a lot of people they need to read this book. It is just so fun.
Now that you read that I just loved all the books, you may think I love everything. This isn't true. I read a non list book last month. It is called Boy Crazy. I picked it up as an easy read. I was completely disgusted by the example it through out as completely appropriate. The characters were shallow.
Anyhow I enjoyed my Summer Reading Thing, and have been introduced to some new authors that I will continue to read.
I am in love with sculpted art. You may have noticed by the number of previous Wednesday posts that have sculptures. There is something so beautiful about how the artists can create so much life and emotion out of a lifeless, shapeless piece of marble. I could spend happy days wandering through the Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities Collection at the Louvre. Each piece tells a story, and I LOVE to be told stories.
Pictured above is the story of Cupid and Psyche. Ordered by his mother, Venus, to use his Golden arrow so that the dangerously beautiful Psyche would fall in love with a vile creature. Bond by his mother's orders, Cupid goes to fulfill his duty, but ends up scratching himself on the arrow and falling for Psyche. The story takes some twists and turns (it is linked above). Let's just say Venus still never likes Psyche even though her son loves her and many issues arise. It really does seem like a fairytale story... I love fairytales.
I love to see the stories around me. You can find them all things. When I was home this past week, we were driving the roads that wind through the country side. I passed the same run down house several times. I wanted to stop and take a picture, but I never did. I could see a story in it. The house was no longer habitable. What had the years brought to that home that had left it so desolate.
Does your mind work like this? Do you see and wonder about the stories around you? Do you create your stories by the things that you see?
During our stay at Nanna's house, Little Princess decided she wanted to dress up as a construction worker. Her cousin was dressed as a Doctor. Well, Little Princess must have really been getting into the role, because before I knew it she was peeing on the construction site.
Oops. Potty Training is hard enough without having to train a 2 year old construction worker. Sorry Nanna about your carpet.
Like a million years ago, my bloggy friend Motherboard did a meme post that I wanted to do and never got around to until now. Well here it is. I told you I would get to it.... My timing is SLOW....
Pick your Artist:
Billy Joel
Describe yourself:
She's Always a Woman
How do you feel:
I Don't Want to Be Alone
Describe where you currently live:
Somewhere Along the Line If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
The River of Dreams Your favorite form of transportation:
Travelin' Prayer
Your best friend:
C'Était Toi (You Were the One) You and your best friend are:
Sometimes a Fantasy
What's the weather like:
Falling of the Rain Favorite time of day:
Through the Long Night
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
What is life to you:
The Longest Time
Your relationship:
Keeping the Faith
Your fear:
Only the Good Die Young
What is the best advice you have to give:
Thought for the Day:
You May Be Right How I would like to die:
Sleeping With the Television On
My soul's present condition:
Close to the Borderline
I read Meagan's post yesterday, and totally LOVED it. I wanted to share it with my readers. Not many people have gone over and read her blog. She doesn't blog often, but I love reading what she has to say about why she writes. Since I'm out of town, and not really blogging the way that I would like to, I was hoping that maybe you can go over and read Meagan's post. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Do any of your remember why you started writing? And if you are not a writer, what is your passion and what made you start enjoying this passion?
I am late on posting everything. I did warn you that I am out of town. I thought I would have more computer time than I have. So this post will be short. I will tell you more about the perfect day this was taken. But for now I will tell you ... it feels wonderful to kiss the love of your life with your feet in the cold Mediterranean. The french coast is gorgeous.
I have way too many random items to share with all of you so I'm taking a note out of Motherboard's Book and having a Random Randomness day. If I get to it I will share some tunes.
When eating some eggs for breakfast my daughter goes to take a bite and says "I eat my chicken." I thought about it and laughed
Little Princess was talking with Hubby tell him a story, Hubby says "You're lyin'." Little Princess says,"No! I'm tiger. ROOOOOOOOOOOOAR!"
Little Princess is learning to dress and undress. She needs three arms to get her shirt off. She gets the dog chasing its tail effect when she tries to get her shirt off. She pulls it over her head but her arms are still trapped as she squirms trying to figure out how to get unstuck. You might have to be there but it was funny.
I am a deadline slut junkie. I love to flirt with deadlines, and do not function well without them. I might actually get something done in my book if I had a deadline. How did I learn about my addiction to deadlines?
I am entering the LDS Publishers 2009 Christmas Story Contest. The contest was first announced many months ago, and are due by Saturday. I'm sure it will not be hard to figure out that I did not start months ago. Anyone can enter so if you are a fast story weaver you may still have time. But I hope for my sake and the sake of all those hard working writers that have entered that you will click over and read the stories that have been and are being posted every day. Then return August 16–22nd and vote for your favorite. I can't and won't tell you which story is mine. We want favorites to be choosen for merit not for popularity. So go on over and get a little taste of Christmas.
I have been needing to post a review about the book I read. The Host by Stephenie Meyer. You can click on that link if you want to read a summary of the plot. I just want to tell you my thoughts on it. I know that everyone reads with different expectations. I expect to be swept up in a story with tenderness, humor, and suspense. Well I was not at all disappointed. I read the book in 3 days. (I am a slow reader so that is fast for me with a book of this length).
I connected with the characters. The book also made me think. Mainly about the connection between loving a person's body and loving their soul- the very thing that makes them who they are. It got me thinking about how we hold on to our loved ones' bodies in the same way some cherish small trinkets of meaning. (ie. coma patients with little chance of awaking--not this did not happen in the book I just thought about it.) And I started thinking about if I could love Hubby the same if he (his very essences) had a different shell.
Also, how much our appearance makes us who we are. Do our looks help shape us? Anyway those were my thoughts. I loved the book. I am not going out to buy it at this point, but I am glad that I read it. And I may read it again in the future, if my current reading list ever diminishes. (Odd's are slim of it getting small but hey it could happen).
I have also MANY times in the past month why Snow White was the name given to the princess. I understand that White is a fairly common last name so maybe White is her last name. And I wouldn't put it past someone to name their child Snow. But for some reason everytime the Evil Queen says "Snow White!" I think WHY? WHY? WHY?
How about you?
So my hubby picked up the Stauffer's Animal Crackers, and I swiped me a few. And had a sudden craving to dip them in Nutella. Am I the only one who thinks this sounds really good?
Little Princess and I will be going out of town this weekend and the following week. I should be on occassionally but will not have as much time to devote to commenting and posting. But you can bet I will be reading. I will try to say what I need to say when I can.
I warned you that it was random! Sorry no tunes I got to get to packing!
Have a good weekend!
Don't forget to click over here before Saturday night for your chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card.
I am sorry for the lateness of today's post. Obviously, I did not receive the 'It is Wednesday' memo. Then when attempting to post, blogger decided to lock all access to my blog. I have overcome all of these obsiticals to bring to you today's French Inspiration.
I mentioned here about the night I first saw the top of the Eiffel Tower. Now I want to tell you about what happened after the sighting.
We couldn't go to the top of the Arc de Triomphe, because it was too late in the evening and Hubby and I still had to get out Museum pass. We decided to soak in more of the City of Lights. So we decided to take a stroll down the Champs-Élysées, which is about 1.25 miles long. Planning to catch one of the metro stops along the avenue, we walked admiring the few shops that were still open. We passed three metro stops and twice as many McDonalds. Funny thing about MacDo's in Paris- they biggest point of advertising is not the current sales, but the number of indoor seating. Every one we passed had large signs announcing this information.
Shortly after we past the last metro stop and had begun walking the tree lined portion of the avenue, we decided maybe it would be time to catch the metro back. Being early spring the evening air was bone chilling. We were not adequately bundled up and were getting very ready to get back to the warm apartment. Instead of turning back, we continued ahead, certain that any moment a metro stop would be there to rescue us from the numbing breeze.
When we had reached the south end of the Champs-Élysées - Place de la Concorde , we couldn't see the metro signs. Oh there is an RER line right across the Seine. We will just cross over that way. When we crossed the bridge, I saw the city lights reflecting off of the water and there she was again. The Eiffel Tower shining her heart out just for me. I would stand there with my hair frizzing in the river mist and with my fingers so numb they barely bend if it meant I could continue that romantical moment between me and that ol' girl. I love all of Paris, but something about that Tower just fills my soul.
I had to rush ahead to catch up with Hubby, Aunt, and Uncle. They obviously are not having an affair with Paris the way I am, or they just had cold feet. I wasn't worried we would be on the RER soon cold toes didn't bother me. Except the RER was shut down for the night, and the trek continued as we searched for a metro stop. Do we turn back or go ahead? Well We forged forward. We passed the Musée d'Orsay, the Louvre, and Palais Royal. Finally, when we got to the Cathedral of Notre Dame we saw the metro signs for St. Michel. We were saved.
Our short sight seeing outing had turned into a night walk through half of Paris. We didn't want to turn back, there was too much to see ahead.
Have you ever gone forward when going back was wiser?
Don't forget to click over here before Saturday night for your chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card.
Timmy and Tommy live in a small suburban home. If you did not notice they are twins. They share the same taste in almost everything - including girls. This was always a hardship between the two until they made a pact that they would only date twins. Problem Solved?
They dated Candy and Sandy who were too cute to boot. It did not take long to discover that they were both complete nuts (explains the squirrels don't you think).
They were hopeful when they met the flight attendants , Mia and Mya.
But they could never remember who was who?
Kelsey and Chelsea were fun, except for their constant obsession with cleaning.
And they had twin seals in the limo pool....with a TV. A little weird.
They were certain it was time to give up at their chances at love and scheduled a nice cruise. That is when they met Cat and Kate.
Tommy and Cat fell in love over a triple scoop sundae, (who wouldn't?)
They shared their first kiss by the end of the cruise.
Timmy and Kate spent their days in the sun discussing all kinds of intelligent topics, like the weight of coconuts, the center black holes, and where all the matches to socks go.
They danced together to the melody of the Beach Boys.
After months (or weeks, or minutes) of preparation, they stood waiting for their brides. Their clothes all mismatched, and their ex-girlfriends staring.
What you didn't have all your exes at your wedding? Oh well.
Cat and Kate knew this was their fate.
They gladly married the men they loved....
Took a few traditional wedding photos....
Threw their bouquets.....
And headed to their new suburban residence, with their animals and husbands.....
Back at the reception there was .... how do I explain... Well see for yourselves.
The preacher was taken out, I'm not certain if it was by the mob of angry single twin ladies... because we also stumbled upon the following crime scene.....
A wig, two dead squirrels, an unconscious woman, a noose of some sort, and a witness.
If you have any information regarding the crime please leave a comment. The happy couples are hoping to head to their honeymoon, but are unable to leave the area until all issues have been resolved. Your help would be much appreciated.
Can I test your observation skills for a minute? I just want to know if you are on top of your game. Take a good look at this picture. I will give you a moment.
I am in no means a tall or a short person. I am very average. Yet I'm standing in the door way to this beautiful room, The Salon of Louis XIV at ChâteaudeChenonceau. Do you notice that my head is touching the door frame. Okay you noticed. Now glance over at the portrait of Louis. Notice that mile high hair. Glance back at the door and consider. HOW THE HECK?
Were French nobles really short? Or were they accustomed to bowing under each door frame? Wouldn't it be hard to be intimidated by a king if you were towering over him? I have mentioned before that I am no history guru. But it would be a blast to meet Louis and determine his height. In truth, Napoleon was not a tall man, but he accomplished much. I realize that height has no merit on to ones ability to lead. I just had never considered the height of royalty before.
Have you had anything in life or your manuscript take you by surprise? Things just seem out of sorts? Maybe you just need to think of other options or explanations. See where it leads you.
PS. If you are a tall person with big hair and you visit Chenonceau, you may want to duck.
Lucky bear, he already knows what he is having for dinner. I hate coming up with ideas on what to make for dinner, and I am not into eating things hit by a truck... a car maybe but never a truck. So you have any idea for dinner? :)
If none of this makes sense to you please go back and read installment one of Dream of Love
She was really hoping that Autumn would be at the airport to get her.Not having a car at college was such a bummer.She just kept trying to convince herself that walking to campus every day was going to help her lose the last few pounds.
“Amber! You made it,” Autumn said and hugged her friend and roommate.
“Yeah, so how are things?Do you like the new roomy? Is she cool? Have you met the guys in our ward?”Amber had been fretting about sharing an apartment with someone she didn’t know. What if this girl was a total pill?
“She seems nice, but she hasn’t been around much.”Autumn grabbed one of the bags and they both headed out of the terminal, catching up with their summer happenings as they walked.“I thought we would stop by my parents place to get the things you stored there.Is that cool?”
“It’s your car.”The plan sounded good to her.She was anxious to get her computer set up so she could get online and look up Jack’s telephone number.She wondered if he was in Provo yet, and if he was still dating his new love interest.
Driving down I15 the conversation flowed easily between the friends.Most of the conversation circled around memories from freshman year, but with her one track mind, it wasn’t long before Amber was telling Autumn all about Jack.
“I mean, he is kind of the whole reason I considered BYU in the first place.” She was silent as she remembered the letters Jack sent from BYU.Her love for the school grew as she read about his wheelchair races in the dorms, rock climbing, and dances.She had never realized how his letters affected her until one day she was racing home with the burning desire to attend college thousands of miles away from everything she had known.
“So is his new girlfriend attending BYU?” Autumn asked.
Amber cringed at the term girlfriend and the idea of her being in Provo.She hadn’t really thought of that before.She had just assumed that once Jack was out there, the other girl (not girlfriend, just girl) would still be back in Colorado.She was depending on the distance to create an opportunity to wiggle back into his heart.“I hope not,” she said looking away.
The car fell silent.Unable to endure the silence Autumn turned the subject to a safer topic.“So you are the last to arrive in our apartment.You and Celeste will be sharing a room.”
“That’s cool,” she said, but her enthusiasm was gone.
Instead of talking the girls both just listened to the radio for the rest of the drive to the apartments.
“Oh we are in luck,” Autumn said excited as she pulled up. “Great parking spot, and look there is Keith, he can help carry in your boxes.”
Amber looked in the direction Autumn had gestured.In that instant, all thoughts of Jack were discarded.She was breathless, and certain that she looked the biggest fool as she stared up at the dark haired guy with his retro-glasses, tanned skin, and cute smile.
Autumn got out of the car, and Amber kept gawking as Keith walked over.By the time she tore her eyes away and got out of the car Autumn had already enlisted his help in their task.
Keith looked up as she got out of the car.Her heart raced and her cheeks reddened.“Hi, I’m Keith,” he said.
“Amber,” she said.Trying not to stare, as well as cover her blush.Autumn grabbed a box headed toward apartment 8.
“So you need some help?” Keith smiled over at her.
“If you are offering, I can use all the man power I can get.”They each grabbed a box.And Keith led the way.Amber slowed when Autumn came out of the door, and Keith moved ahead.When he was out of earshot, Amber turned to Autumn. “Wow.”
Autumn laughed and shook her head.“I know.But what about Jack?”
“A girl has got to have options, right?”She smiled wide, and then hurried in behind Keith.