Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday French Inspiration

Veiled Lady in the Louvre
(Taken from the Archives of Seriously Amber Lynae)

This statue reminds me of the statues in the newer Pride and Prejudice film. There is something quite hypnotic about her face with the veil. How is it that the sculpture was able to show the details of the face and the veil over at the same time? So much detail and emotion can be created from marble.  It is awesome that marble -so hard and formless- can be carved into beauty- flowing and whimsical.

  I hope that you enjoy this piece of Paris and take this message with you :

No matter how hard any situation may appear at first, you can make out of it what you choose.  You can choose to let life crush you, or you can carve life into something that will have people staring with awe.

I hope that you will choose the latter.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday French Inspiration --Reaching Goals

Stranger biking the country roads of France

Today is stage 9 in le Tour de France 2010.  It just gets me thinking of all the work the competitors have put into being about to make 3,642 kilometers trek.  Not many people would be physically able to survive the race.  However, each participant has trained and put in the necessary work.  The race is not something entered unprepared on a whim.

It is this knowledge that inspired these thought/reminders:

Life is meant to be lived with purpose and we cannot reap what we have not sown.  

For me this reminder was a much needed push to get me to stop whining and start doing.  There is no someday but today.  So I will use today to start changing the things that are not as I would have them be, because no matter how hard I wish on the evening star it will not change the fact that life takes effort. 

 What goals are you working to accomplish?
How do you keep yourself motivated and consistent?


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Setting Goals and Open to Questions

So Sarah of Confessions of the Un-Published is hosting a 50,000 words in 50 days challenge.  I am needing the encouragement and goal setting.  So I am participating. It started July 12th and runs until August 31st.  If you need so group encouragement sign up yourself.  I will let you know how I'm doing through the 50days.

Also, as a way of letting my readers get to know me better, I hope that if there is any questions you would like me to answer that you might leave it in the comments below.

Dying to Know more about Amber Lynae! 
 Ask me questions in the comment section.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday French Inspiration --Accepting Talents

 Gustave Eiffel's Iron Lady was inaugurated on 31 March 1889, and opened on 6 May.  Today the Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable structures in the world and is the single most visited paid monument in the world.  However, the tower was not well received when first built; many called it an eyesore.  Novelist Guy de Maupassant—who claimed to hate the tower—supposedly ate lunch in the Tower's restaurant every day. When asked why, he answered that it was the one place in Paris where one could not see the structure. 

When I ponder on the lack of acceptance given to this architectural art piece, which I hold so dear, I begin to relate it to my own lack of acceptance of the talents that my Heavenly Father obviously wants me to develop.  

Let me explain--as a child I wanted nothing more than to learn to play piano like my big sister.  I begged my mom to take lessons.  Both of my older sisters had the privilege of lessons.  And I will state as evidence that the youngest sibling does not get everything they want, that I was denied my request.  My mother told me that my sisters could teach me.  

Well that really did not get anywhere.  Teenage sisters are not very interested in teaching younger siblings anything.  So I took it upon myself to learn the art of piano playing.  And I did learn.  However, I have never gotten to the point where I would consider myself a pianist (even though I can normally sight read at least one clef at a time.)  I have never accepted piano playing as a talent.  Even though I enjoy sitting at a piano to play some tunes, I have never really thought to seriously try to better my abilities.  

It would seem that my Heavenly Father has other thoughts of my talent.  In my last ward, I was called to be the pianist for the primary children.  When I moved last fall, it took a month to receive the same calling in my new ward.  I hear my Heavenly Father silently shouting to me that I am a pianist and my talents are meant to be used.

Are you overly modest about your talents? 
Do you have talents that you have a hard time accepting?  
What are they?